5 things to do at easter with your loved ones:

The Easter holidays are here, and it’s a great opportunity to spend some quality time with your loved ones. However, for those who are elderly or disabled, finding activities that are both enjoyable and accessible can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve put together a list of five things to do with your loved ones this Easter holiday that are easy to do and cater to those who may not be able to move around as much.

  1. Easter egg hunt: Who doesn’t love a good Easter egg hunt? This classic activity can be adapted to suit those with limited mobility. Simply hide the eggs in places that are easily accessible, such as on a table or in a chair, and let the fun begin! You can also use larger, brightly coloured eggs to make them easier to spot.
  2. Movie marathon: Pick out a few of your loved one’s favourite movies and spend the day snuggled up on the sofa. Make some popcorn, grab some blankets, and settle in for a relaxing day of movie watching. This is a great option for those who may not be able to move around as much.
  3. Board games: Board games are a great way to spend time with your loved ones and can be adapted to suit all levels of mobility. Choose games that are easy to play and require minimal movement, such as card games or board games that can be played from a seated position.
  4. Crafts: Get creative with your loved ones by making some Easter crafts. There are plenty of easy and accessible options, such as painting or decorating Easter eggs, making Easter cards, or creating Easter-themed decorations.
  5. Virtual tours: Take a virtual tour of a museum, zoo, or other attraction from the comfort of your own home. Many places now offer virtual tours that can be accessed online, allowing you to explore the world from the comfort of your own home.

In conclusion, spending time with your loved ones this Easter holiday doesn’t have to be a challenge, even if you or your loved ones have limited mobility. From Easter egg hunts to virtual tours, there are plenty of fun and accessible activities to enjoy together. So, why not try some of these ideas and make some special memories with your loved ones this Easter holiday